As you embark on your new career or a change in a career here are a few tips.
Own It: You were hired for a reason. Believe in yourself that you belong. Keep shutting out any imposter syndrome by ensuring you are doing good work and sharing about it.
Learn continuously: Don't get too comfortable. Always be learning. At least 10% of your time and income should be re-invested in yourself.
Be valuable: Don't just do what you are asked to do. Think about what value you can provide above your basic job responsibilities - to your team, your manager, your company, your customers, and your network.
Be memorable: People rarely remember what you did but will remember how you made them feel. So ensure that you always help others feel seen, included, valued, appreciated, and respected.
Be helpful: As you grow, help others by standing up for them, pulling them up, and creating opportunities for others.
Give more than you take: Even though it might seem easier to "take" or be selfish, know that in the long run, "givers" experience more success. Giving is not just the right thing to do but also the smart thing to do as research by Adam Grant proves in his book "Give and Take". Always look for opportunities to help others or make a difference. If nothing else, you will be fulfilled and be surrounded by people who genuinely care about you.
Product Manage your career: You are the one who is going to care most about your career. Always have aspirations and communicate them as you work towards achieving them. But also involve your tribe of peers, mentors, and sponsors. Be open to opportunities that you might not have planned for. Don't get frustrated by digressions from your path. Learn from them because they might be the best career pivots you imagined.
Feedback is a gift but receive it thoughtfully: Be open to receiving feedback to continuously improve but after assessing if it is valid and important to address for now. John Donahoe once shared that feedback can be a) Urgent to address as it would impact you and others b) Valid feedback but not urgent to address now and c) This feedback is not that relevant. So ensure you assess which bucket any feedback falls in and act on it.
Never compromise on values: Know your value and your values. Never compromise on either.
Enjoy: Don't take yourself too seriously. Life is more than your work. Life is not after retirement. Live for today AND tomorrow.
Work Backwards: Think about what you would want your family, friends and colleagues to say at your end of career or retirement party (like a eulogy). Make that your north star guiding you through your career decisions.
Rock your first 90 days: Make your first 90 days effective and stand out.
Some books that can help you on this topic
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